Friday, September 27, 2013

Basil, Lemon, and Sage Seared Tuna Steak with Wild Rice and Steamed Veggies

Okay this one was just me winging it when I was at Fresh Market and saw their Tuna steaks and decided they looked really good.

Tuna Steak
Box of Wild Rice
Fresh Green Beans
Fresh Broccoli
Basil Leaves
Sage Leaves
Lemon Juice
Olive Oil
Pam or Healthy Choice Spray

I made one portion of Tuna but the veggies and Rice ended up being double portions.

 I chopped up the veggies and put them in a steamer pot. You can also use the microwavable bags.
 I made the veggies and the rice and then went to boxing!!!

 Put a tablespoon of oil in your sauté pan and wait to turn on the heat until you have your tuna soaking.
 I used a sage leaf, a tablespoon of lemon juice, a few small basil leaves, and some oil spray for my marinade.
 I put the tuna steak into the marinade in the bowl about 5 minutes before I turned on the heat in the sauté pan.

 Turn heat up to high and wait about 3 minutes to put your tuna in the pan.
 Leave your tuna on the pan for about 3-5 minutes on the first side and then flip.
Leave your tuna on the other side for about the same amount of time. This gives you a hard caramelized outside and a pink inside. If you like your tuna cooked more, turn down the heat and leave on the pan for an extra 1-2 minutes per side.

Enjoy :)

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